A float switch is a device used to sense the level of liguid within a tank. When the float ball rises or falls with the iquid to the level of the switch, The magnetic force of magnet which inside of the float ball will cause the reed switch to turn ON. When the float ball move away from the reed switch, the reed switch will turn OFF
A float switch is a device used to sense the level of liquid within a tank. When the float ball rises or falls with the liquid to the level of the switch, The magnetic force of magnet which inside of the float ball will cause the reed switch to turn ON. When the float ball move away from the reed switch, the reed switch will turn OFF. Features & details Both Side Sense Corrosion Free Material Advance Magnetic Technology Cable Lenght : 2 meter • Ideal Operating Ratings : Voltage: 2 to 12V DC Current: 5 to 50mA DC, Max Switch Current : 500 mA (DC), Max Switch Watt : IOW.